Differences Securities and Exchange SEO AGC

The blogger you would already know what it is AGC? for a beginner and do not know about AGC check out this article
Looks like the AGC has been widely used by bloggers who want a shortcut in developing a blog, with the help of Seo SearchTerms Tagging plugin arguably AGC way of making this easy and can be replicated by any of the bloggers who use wordpress blog platform. It is necessary to make the AGC SearchTerms Tagging plugin such as SEO, but if there are bloggers who use this plugin, it does not mean he's running the AGC in his blog, I use the plugin STT as well, but I do not use AGC technique, but from some bloggers are saying I use AGC on my blog. Well, here I will clarify if there is a saying my blog is HasiAulia.Net using the AGC.

AGC (Auto Generate Content) is one technique that harm to the users search enggine, in this case the AGC function is to create a content automatically regardless of relevance / benefit of the writings that were generated, many also say that the AGC is the garbage search engine. AGC is required to create a plugin named Seo Searchterms tagging, the functions of this plugin is to create a keyword for generated content, but if the script AGC is not made, then the function of SEO searchterms earlier tagging is merely to add keywords to the article, thereby further maximizing appearance of an article on the first page of google.

Sometimes there are tell users SearchTerms Tagging SEO plugins are users of the AGC as well, but actually not, because there are differences between STT added Plugins Plugin AGC and AGC STT is not added, here is the difference:


1. Creating an article in the form of a search page, so if the search link is clicked then the visitors will be spinning there-there.

2. Can increase traffic by using only the very significant bit of the article.

3. From time to time may be banned from search engines (already the victim).

Just Plugin STT:

1. Creating a search page article, but his search leads only to the articles containing that keyword, so if the search results clicked it will go into the relevance of a particular article was appropriate or at least close to the keywords used earlier.

2. Traffic increases, but still within the normal / natural.

3. Still permissible by google.

Well, the third point is the difference between STT plugin that uses the AGC and the AGC is not used, so the conclusion if there is a saying my blog using the AGC is not true:).
hi new friend to you who have heard or learned from friends about what is google adsense, of course you wondered what it is google adsense and how to blog or web we can be accepted directly by Google. How to register and refer to further its strategy of getting some income from adsense

Understanding Google Adsense

What is Google Adsense? For some people who have long struggled in the online business or even none at all would still be familiar with google adsense, here I will try to explain the definition of google adsense. Later I will also try to display info-sustainable, how to maximize our revenue through google adsense.

Definition of google adsense is the online business opportunities offered by Google for its web publishers to earn revenue online from sites under its management. For now google adsense is an online business is very promising and has a good prospect, even I regard this as a very profitable investment because along with the widespread use of the internet then pengasilan we will continue to grow. with which we build sytem running so we can work as we go along the road .. hehehe ..

There are two categories of google adsense program which ditawarka:

1. AdSense for Content

We provide a space in which to display google ads from the advertiser google. When you look at the top and the rightmost column, you will see a box with text Ads by Google contains one or more specific ads. The ads are commonly referred to as the Google AdWords advertising program while at the site known as Google AdSense. When a visitor clicks one ad is installed on his site, then Google will give site owners a commission on the amount of which varies (fully determined by Google for each AdWords), very simple is not it?

2. AdSense for Search

Almost similar to the AdSense for caontent, only involves the AdSense for Search Google search engine in determining the type of Adwords that appear. Thus, visitors to a site doing a search on the keyword (keyword) specified by the Google search engine provided by the site owner. When visitors find the ads and kindly click on it, then the site owner will earn a commission from Google for each click. So we put the Google search engine on our site.

okay so first explanation yes next time we meet again.